Fanatele Rascrucilor meadow-steppe habitat

A nice place with a totally new discovered population ofSerratula wolffii, maybe also of Bulbocodium vernum

Placed not far away west from Rascruci village and south to Borsa Catun this meadow-steppe grassland habitat was also discovered, like Fanatele Lunei de Jos - Cocosu  by dr. L. Rakossy during his investigations for host plants for some species of butterflies. The location was revealed to us by I. Paulini a member of his research team on 23rd of July 2009, who said 'the place is full of Clematis integrifolia and Clematis recta'. This was certainly very inspiring to us and in the very following day we visited the place. Not to our surprise but very much to our happiness a local new population of Serratula wolffii was found there - in two areas containing unfortunately no more than 40 individuals.

The center of the site is well preserved and with rich populations of Clematis integrifolia, Clematis recta, Centaurea triumfettii ssp. axillaris, Galium boreale but also these areas seem to occur today in patches of no more than1000 sqm and more or less isolated between them. Within some of these patches rich in the indicators of good conservation but not in all of them (especially in the western part of the site) individuals of Serratula wolffii occur.

The presence of three individuals of Molinia coerulea was noticed giving an indication that probably once the precious mesohygrophyle phytocenoses of Molinietum coeruleae were present also here.

In most part of the grassland area unfortunately there are everywhere the signs of seasonal sheep grazing - the presence of the ruderals, invading patches of Thinopyrum intermedium, etc, only scattered isolated individuals of the indicator species (or these are absent at all), etc.

We believe that as in the case of the simlar sites from Fanatele Cojocnei-Straja Mare, Fanatele Clujului-Margau and Fanatele Visei-Sarata if Serratula wolffi and well preserved patches of meadow-steppe grasslands are presented here there are great chances that at least a new reminiscent population of Bulbocodium vernum to be discovered on the steep shady clines above the site. In early april 2010 the proper locations for this species from here should be investigated in this scope.

This file contains the spatial extension of the habitat on Google Earth.


















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